Thursday, September 2, 2010


We went to the rifle range last evening.  Practice shots for him, photography shots for her.  Funny things about guns.  I was hesitant to post a photo of him aiming at his target, for concern that his gun might offend someone.  (Seems someone's always offended about something or other...)  But from my perspective, I greatly admire the skill, the precision, the clarity of vision, and being cognizant that these skills will eventually allow many meals to be put on our table.  So if you are offended by the sight of a gun, then skip the following photo.  Otherwise, sit silently.....  watch.....  with awe and pride.... 

Another reason I chose to include that photo is because for me, I like to capture the whole experience of what I'm doing--sort of like a photo diary.  We had a plan for the evening and that was part of it.  While he was doing that, I went off down the road to where the river flowed.  I was well within earshot of the shooting, the sound of each shot jarring to me yet comforting knowing we were each doing something we enjoy--at the same time, very near each other, yet totally different (regardless of the same verb!)  (well, actually, we are basically doing the very same thing!  And perhaps my shooting will even put some food on our table too!  Ha!)  So there's a glimpse into how my mind (heart) works.  And then...  when we meet back up again, he always reminds me that his mind (heart) works the same way.  Even after 30 years.

Here's the results of my activity.

                              I did not document our restaurant meal, but for the record:  
                              he - bison burger.   she - panko-crusted shrimp with an asian
                             dipping sauce.

Over the bridge on the way home......

These stunning flowers (Phalenopsis) were a gift I received today from a child who got promoted from my class and her mother (who, coincidentally, actually works on the river seen above, organizing kayak and canoe trips.  Funny, how things connect.....)


  1. another fabulous set of photos.... can't figure out what kind of duck that is... do you know? I love the close ups of the flower... are you using the marco setting? I look forward each day to "communicating" with you like this..... a picture does say a thousand words

  2. I'm not sure of the kind of duck; perhaps it's a Common Merganser. There's so many changes that take place throughout the lifespan of birds (even seasonal, that it's confusing and challenging to me. Other times I just don't have the patience or time at that time--it's when I do sit and pour over books and pictures that I then say "Oh! That must be it!" Or seek advice from others like yourself. The flower looks like a jewel! (Or a vagina, as someone else pointed out to me.) I did not use a macro lens, but yes, I did use the macro setting and stood at the closest distance that allowed minimal focusing as possible.
