Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ground Level Sunrise Walk

We went for a walk at dawn this morning, with hopes that other wildlife was also stirring at that hour ~ specificallly bears.  Yesterday (as most mornings) on my way to work, a bear meandered through the fog, crossing the road right in front of my car.  It was a large bruin, compared to the smaller sows.  I managed, in my excitement, to quick-snap a few photos out my car window.  (Yes, I could live to be 105 years old, and I'd still become excited about seeing bears!) 


Today I wanted to be at ground level and walk alongside a bear.  Knowing they favor this stretch of road, we walked...  enjoying the quiet unfolding of ths beautiful autumn morning.  Here are a few things we saw along the way.

                               And then......   on the way back......   up ahead.......    I saw my bear!

It went off into the woods with us following a distance away, but it was not to be seen again. 


I passed this scene as I continued on with  the rest of my morning's journey, inspiring me to I capture a few more of autumn's leaves ~ on their descent ~  paying tribute to the perfectly, appropriately-named nickname of the season! 

              Finally, off the side of our causeway, was this 'conga line' of turtles, as Kathy would call it!



  1. love the pictures... but looking at them is as close to a bear as I want to get.... loved your turtle conga line:)

  2. You have an eye for nature's beauty and the skill to capture miraculous moments. Thanks for sharing the wonders of life through your photos and words. Being reminded of the natural world is a balm for the soul.
