Monday, March 5, 2012

Mountain Lion

What??  A blog post with no images?? 
Because it was so unexpected and quick, I had no time to react with a camera. 
I do have the images in my mind, which I'll share with a thousand words instead.

I'd been waiting, wishing, and hoping to see a mountain lion.  I know they've been
around for a long time and lately they've become more and more visible to people.

I'm always careful what I wish for--or better, how I wish for things--because there
could be a string attached or at a cost.  For example, yes, I'd love to see a lion right
in our backyard (they have been spotted there twice by our neighbors) but not at
the cost of our two domestic kitty cat pets becoming their prey!  I'd like to see one
in the wild, but not with one leaping in mid-air, paws outstretched and jaws open
above my head (although it would make a really cool photo!!)  No...  I wished to
see one safely.  Being able to take a picture in the process would be nice, but......

Last night I got my wish!  With hindsight, I realize it was a gift--a sign that another
very special gift was occuring simultaneously (but that's another story for another time.)

Afterwards, I received looks of skepticism from those with me who did not see it,
but that's expected; it's human nature.  But fortunately for me, I had a good, long look
at this animal and there's no question or doubt.  I saw a mountain lion!

We were about 20 minutes from our home visiting friends.  After a long walk through
the woods followed by a fabulous homecooked dinner, the evening was winding down.
I happened to be gazing out the window, when right before my eyes, about 20 feet away,
I watched a mountain lion walk very slowly and with a steady stride right past the window! 
The yard was well-lit with outdoor spotlights and I saw the wild cat clearly and vividly.

I could hardly believe my eyes!!

It was a long, large lion--much bigger than I expected, and had I been on even ground
outdoors with it, I must admit I would have been quite fearful!  It was lean but muscular.
When it walked, it lifted each leg high off the grass and I saw each paw as it walked, and
I followed it, in awe, as it walked within the entire length of the range of light--about 30
feet across--and between two garbage pails and down a hill leading into a vast field on my
friend's property, disappearing into the darkness.  After a delayed reaction, I went outside
on the deck hoping to catch a glimpse of it under the light of the bright moon or to catch it's
eyes in the beam of my flashlight, but alas, I did not. 

We left shortly thereafter, and with breathless anticipation and a palpitating heart, I drove
following the road around and behind our friend's property for the chance of seeing the lion
emerge on the other side, but we did not.  But that's okay!  I was completely and utterly
happy to have my wish fulfilled!!  I saw a wild mountain lion!

Glaura B!

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