Saturday, October 30, 2010

Digging Back - Just Birds, No Words


  1. loved "digging back" with you.... the goldfinches are supposed to be heading to NC in the next few weeks... haven't been any around since I got here.... is that a falcon????...... loved the baby turkeys!!!!.... I am still trying to get a picture of a kingfisher... see & hear them at Airlie Gardens but can't get them to hold still long enough for a shot... I sitting on my deck right now watching the chickadees, cardinals, Carolina wrens, titmice, nuthatches, woodpeckers and more having breakfast... all without getting out of my pajamas... can't wait to share this part of the country with you!

  2. That bird of prey is a Harris's Hawk, I believe. It wasn't in the wild (there's a leg band on it); it was from a Birds of Prey demonstration I attended over the summer. Your window seat sounds so inviting!
