Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Bear Came For Leftovers!

Friendso'mine know that yesterday was our annual fall party. 
Two things I can always count on: 
This guest is always the first one to arrive ~ sometimes even a few days early!!

...and this guest always, without fail, comes a day late. 
 (It has a 'standing' invitation, which you'll find out why in a bit...)

I took that picture throught the back door screen.  I knew as soon as it heard the click of my camera it would turn quickly around and leave.  I was right, but as you'll see in the next few photos, it wandered around the propery for a while, sniffing around with curiousity at the leftover scents from the party.

He paused to looked at me before he began wandering our property.

And then it happened.  The first guest and the last guest met.

The last guest cautiously and suspiciously approached.
"Is he real???"

And then, in true circus style, the last guest bounced a balloon with his nose a few times!
"What the heck is this???"

And then the last guest mingled with the hostess. 

I politely asked the last guest then, if he'd mind posing before he left, for a few shots with the sun positioned behind me--that I'd love to post his picture on my blog. 
He kindly obliged!

But that's not all, folks!

This bear didn't walk too far away; he returned to the backyard a few minutes later!

Here's a few more shots....


  1. Bears (although adorable) still scare me, so although I am in awe of the pictures, I am so glad it was in YOUR yard!

  2. At one point it WAS pretty scary, as it began to aggressively come toward me. I did the foolish thing (but the most naturally instinctive thing)--start running for the back door! Of course I then turned back around for a few more closer shots. I just can't resist.

  3. great pictures Laura...they look so cute,, and yet can be so dangerous
