Saturday, October 9, 2010

Come... Take another walk with me...

Just before sunrise this morning, I took a ride about 20 minutes south and found a place to walk before heading to my specific destination.  I came upon these scenes:

An early-morning bloomer (besides me!)

Not quite as refreshing as the morning dew, but close.

Unoccupied at this hour...

Standing on a bridge, a swiftly-flowing river ran beneath me.

A chatter of birds caught my attention so I walked along the river to see 'who' was around.

This cheery cardinal greets the morning sun.

A treetop chorus.

Hello, River Rat!  (that's muskrat, to you!)

Good morning, ducks!!

Rise and shine, and  S-T-R-E-T-C-H  those wings!

Returning home, I found this turkey vulture and red-tailed hawk sailing along, side-by-side under the bright blue sky, directly above my head.  They accompanied me most of the day today, as I worked in the yard tying corn stalks and gatheing nuts (which were falling steadily and dangerously hard and fast!)  Every time I looked up, which was quite often, there they were ~ sometimes 7 or 8 more vultures joined them!

It felt good spending so much time outdoors today, after all those rainy days we've had. 


  1. It was fun walking with you.... I am always surprised with how beautiful a mallard since they are so common (kinda like the cardinal).... loved the muskrat, have only seen one in my lifetime (so far!)

  2. I love these pictures, I feel like I've taken this walk myself!
