Friday, November 12, 2010

Under a Heavy Frost

Heading into town early yesterday morning, I drove passed a farm as I have a million times before, but yesterday it looked just beautiful under a heavy frost.  I had to be a part of it, so I pulled over, got out of my car, and walked the length of it.  There's something to be said for farmlife--maybe it's a kinship with the early risers that I find appealing.  Perhaps it's  the quiet, peacefulness... 

Did someone say "quiet"??  What  joyful sounds broke the silence of the morning! Accompanying the twitter of birds in the trees, "mooos" came from the field....

"Cooos" came from above along with the sudden flapping of wings, only to settle again in the same spot....

 "Cock-a-doodle-dooos" and various clucking came from inside the henhouse....

 ...and raspy quacks came from the barnyard--all a welcoming accompaniment and salutation to the rising sun!)

A stream flowed through the frosty pasture.

In the true style of a pure autumn morning, it was the frost that beckoned me, teasing me for what's to come in the months ahead.  Seeing the animals going about their business with frost beneath their feet gave me the urge to follow suit.  Having extra time on my hands, I walked some more, marveling at the sweeping, rolling hills that the frost defined in an adjacent field.

My frosty walk continued......   as will I, next time...........

1 comment:

  1. It always amazes me how you can make "extraordinary" out of the ordinary...
