Saturday, January 25, 2014

Those Flocking Birds!

Just as the sky began to gain a little color from the slate-blue hues of pre-dawn, my attention was diverted from my search for a river otter to a sound that was fast approaching.  Suddenly, a flock of European Starlings put on an amazing display right before my eyes! 

If you've never heard the "WHOOSH!" of a flock of birds, I encourage you to Google it.

With each lift-off from the branches they momentarily perched on or a swoop down to the river or across the field, the sound whipped through the air as fast as they, themselves, maneuvered around me.

I didn't know where to look!!  I was surrounded by them! Large groups within the flock did their own thing, and I snapped away, knowing I might have just moments before they swarmed off. 

I never did see an otter that day, but I walked away in awe nonetheless.


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