Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Snowy Weekend - Part II - *Tracks in the Snow"

The next morning I awoke to a bright, sun-shiny day, sparkles everywhere!  And tracks.  Tracks were in the snow.  Those were the first things I noticed, and it set the theme for my morning shoot.

Because the sun was so low, there was a strong contrast between the sunlit spots on our property and of the cool hues in the spots where the sun hadn't reached yet.

I can't resist taking a self-portrait every time I capture my shadow or reflection through my own lens.  And
I can't resist giving a cheery wave 'hello' too!!

While looking around the grounds, I was struck by the similicity of this dried plant sticking out of the snow,
surrounded by sparkles.

                                                                          Human tracks.

                                                                         Kitty cat tracks.

                                                                       Squirrel tracks.

                                               Another tall and rather slim shadow of myself....

                                                                 Over-and-under tracks.

                                                    Tufts of snow adorned evergreen boughs.

This blue jay, along with several others, was flying about the trees.  I was able to catch it as itperched momentarily on a nearby tree before flitting off to join the others.

Lastly, looking over the swamp, across to the pond, my gaze followed the joyful sounds of people on the lake.  I saw these guys playing hockey on the frozen lake.  I like when others enjoy the outdoors, too!

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