Tuesday, January 17, 2012

From Dawn til Dusk 1/15/12

I spent much of Sunday lakeside, watching bald eagles, swans, and other waterfowl.  Captions tell the story:

                                   This plane was the only object on an otherwise clear sky at dawn.

                                 As the world began to wake up, a gull flew in from the west.

A couple ducks quacked overhead.

I had my eye on an eagle nest, seen as a silhouette.

And wouldn't you know...   an eagle came flying in!

I was so focused on the scene before me, that I was taken aback when I turned around
and saw the trees washed in brilliant orange light from the sun, now risen.

I turned back to watch the nest....  skies now gray....  and then I noticed--

...a juvenile bald eagle flew in from the other direction.

So did this cormorant.

Since I could no longer feel my toes from standing at the water's frigid edge for such a long time, it was time to leave.  Inside my car, through the tinted window, I saw this adult bald eagle fly by.

Deciding to remain in the car, I left to explore another area up the road that
allowed a view of the nest from another angle.

After a while, I left....  only to return to the nest again in the late afternoon.

Suddenly, swans (with such blue wings!) flew into the scene.

The setting sun added a nice layer of primary color to the scene.
The swans circled the lake and then flew off.

Flying solo.

A plane flew overhead and a smile of fondness spread across my face.

Ducks flew too.

Light was diminishing.  Dusk was falling.  I took one final look at the eagles' nest
with a rose-colored sky behind it, and left.  Sort of.

A flash of white caught my eye. 
An eagle flew down to the water and splashed itself a few times.

And then it began the ascent to it's nest.

As a mere flicker of white...

...it circled around...

...til it reached the rosy-skied nest.

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